A drive through Mobile Coronavirus testing centre was opened at The Woodlarks Centre on Sunday 3rd May. The facility was set up in the staff car park area as part of the governments drive to increase testing for thousands of care workers.
Following the Government announcement that tests would be carried out for Care staff, including those showing no symptoms, Lynda our General Manager requested that the residents at the Woodlarks Centre in Farnham should also have a coronavirus test.
Together with a staff member @ NHS North West Surrey CCG, Lynda was able to organise a mobile Unit to be located at The Woodlarks Centre for Sunday 3rd May 2020. She then spent most of Saturday into the evening telephoning the Care Homes in and around Farnham including the Phylis Tuckwell Hospice, to advise that the facility would be available for staff testing, and assisting them in registering for a test. The Gov.Uk website site for registration to test at The Woodlarks Centre went live at 6pm on Saturday evening.
On Sunday morning, Lynda emailed the care homes wishing to participate to check they had been able to register. The Manager at Waverley Grange, emailed “ The site was down first thing this morning but is and up and running again now” The site had been busy throughout the evening and morning with people registering.
On Sunday morning 9am the army unit arrived led by the Lieutenant with the Scots Guards based in Aldershot deployed from Oxford , they were able to set up in the staff car park and a drive through testing service was launched. They had a steady flow of people wanting to be tested.
Lynda said “All our residents and staff were tested and there was a steady flow of visitors to the unit throughout the day so whilst it was a busy day I believe it was a great success.”