Farnham Duck Race

On April the 29th Woodlarks had a stool at the Farnham Duck race. Leading up to the duck race the activity centre staff had prepared arts and crafts for the residents to carry out that would eventually get sold. A big thank you goes to the staff and friends who donated items to sell and helped us transport the stock to the duck race.

We were lucky to have a full day of sunshine and many people came to our stool to buy the residents arts and crafts and to enquire about Woodlarks. At the peak of the day 2 of our staff members (Nikki and Millie, who were helping run the stool) got the chance to throw the ducks into the river. The Speaker gave our charity a promotion as they announced our charity name before the staff threw the ducks into the river.

The duck race lasted from 10-4 and we were able to raise £100 for Woodlarks. We aim to put this money into our activity centre to take out the residents or to book in some entertainment for them.