Floral Painting

On the 7th of June we had an artist come in to teach and guide our residents with their painting skills.

The theme of the day was flowers and how we can incorporate them into art. Many of the residents tried painting still life pictures of some of the bouquets that were brought in by our activity staff and by the painter. Another type of art we explored was flower painting. Flower painting is where you dip the flowers into paint and press the flower head down onto your piece of paper leaving a colourful outline of the flower. This method of painting was very popular among the residents as it did not require too much skill and the results turned out very professional.

The artist was with all day from 10-4 and we made sure that we let as many residents possible to try all the different painting style, one resident even painted a abstract landscape of some nature using different art styles that she could think of.

After all the pictures dried we put the up in our dining room to make a gallery wall.

If you would like to see some more photos make sure to check out the woodlarks face book page:
