
On the 14th of August we had a group of 10 volunteers from surrey county council come in from 10am – 1pm.

The volunteers had two different groups: one outside doing some gardening and another inside with the residents doing some activities in the day centre. The volunteer group brought in various activities for the residents to participate in for example DIY coasters. The residents drew images which were then cut up and made into coasters. The volunteers also brought in coloured dried clay for the residents to make various sculptures with such as animals or flowers.

The Volunteers that were not in the day centre were helping out outside with cutting back some of the bushes, clearing the pathway between us and the campsite. The volunteers also cleared up some of of flower beds that our gardener has not yet done.

Many thanks to surrey county council for coming out and the residents enjoyed having some new faces to talk to and some new activities to participate in.