Halloween party

On the 28th of October we held a Halloween disco in our day centre.

Leading up to Halloween our day centre decorated the activities room with various cobwebs, balloons and brought in skeleton singers from home which many of the residents enjoyed watching sing.

The night before the disco the day centre team made sure to put everyone’s costumes in their bedroom in preparation for the next day so our carers would make sure to dress them up for the disco. One of our activity staff also different snacks for the residents and guests on the Friday in preparation of the disco.

On the actual day we had a DJ set up a booth and play various Halloween themed songs and some party favourites like the YMCA. Our care staff also came down to enjoy the party and had fun dancing with our residents and putting on spare costumes we had available. It was a great session with many of the residents expressing that they hope we can do a party like this again next year.

After the DJ had left our staff arranged for the residents to say a thanks to the day centre for helping plan such a great afternoon while they handed out goodie bags they prepared the night before.