Wisley Gardens

On the 14th of December, we took our residents to Wisely Gardens to see the light show.

We took a total of 11 residents out to see the light show, which amazed everybody. When first walking in, the lights are very simple but eye-catching; however, towards the middle, we got to see a light show that uses a water feature to play in time to waltz No.3 (many residents stayed to watch it a couple of times). Another popular spot was a field full of lights that reflected in the river, making for a beautiful photo.

We split into groups to go around wisely to make it easier for both staff and residents. Plus, we could spend some time one-on-one with each resident to hear what they thought about the lights. The gardens were very accessible, and there were no issues of getting around with the wheelchairs.

The temperature was a little cold, with many of the spare blankets we bought being used so that no one got too chilly, and after going around, there was a little cafe at the end that we all got teas/coffees from before we headed back to Woodlarks.

We hope we can go back to Wisley in the summertime so that we can see the flowers in full bloom.

If you wish to see more photos of Wisley gardens we have uploaded them onto our facebook page:
