
Birds of Prey

On the 24th of May we had the birds of prey come in to teach the residents and to let them hold some of the birds. They spent the morning brining in various type of birds especially owls which they would give a general description of their habitats and behaviours in the wild. We had

Coronation Party

On the 8th of May we held a coronation party at the Woodlarks centre that all family and friends were invited to. Leading up to the party our activity centre brought decorations to put around woodlarks and prepared activity packs that the residents could do before the party started. We also had a performer come

Easter Weekend

Leading up to and during Easter our activity centre planned and carried out multiple projects with our residents. Many of our residents got to make their own Easter bonnets that they wore around the house and even had a parade with on Easter Sunday. Another festivity they did was making chocolate rice crispy cake with mini

Woodlarks 2022 Newsletter

Woodlarks Centre Newsletter Insight into life at The Woodlarks Centre after all Covid restrictions have been lifted. Message from Woodlarks. “Our thanks to everyone who has helped and supported Woodlarks during the Covid-19 outbreak.  Pre-Covid, we would regularly send out newsletters/emails which would update you on any achievements or activities Woodlarks has carried out over